Bylaw & Animal Control | Telkwa
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Bylaw Complaints

Bylaw enforcement exists to provide regulations and to facilitate and enforce bylaws that pertain to the health, well-being, and structure of our community. Respecting the rights of our neighbours and ensuring that our property values are maintained is an important aspect of community living. At times, however, boundaries may be crossed and Bylaw Enforcement Officers are given the task to investigate complaints received from the public about alleged violations of various municipal bylaws.


Our Bylaw Enforcement Officer receives complaints that have been reported to the Village Office, and investigates alleged violations of Municipal regulations outlined in our bylaws, including:


  • Property Conditions (Unsightly or Dangerous Conditions);

  • Business Licencing and Zoning;

  • Animal Control and Licencing;

  • Nuisances;

  • Standards of Maintenance; and

  • Open Burning and Woodstoves.


Bylaw Enforcement is performed mostly on a complaint-based system. In most cases, the Village will seek voluntary compliance first before invoking various enforcement methods.


If you would like to submit a complaint, you can do so by calling the Village Office or sending an email to info(at)

Dog Licencing

Purchasing a licence for your dog ensures that the Village has your contact information on file so that your dog can be returned to you if it is wearing its tag when found.


Annual dog licences can be purchased at the Village Office. The fees are as follows:


  • $20 spayed/neutered dogs; 

  • $50 non-spayed/neutered dogs;

  • $150 aggressive dog;

  • $300 dangerous dog; and

  • $5 replacement tag.


The Village reminds dog owners to:


  • Keep their dog on a leash and under direct care and control within the Village;

  • Keep their dog secured on the owners' premises; and

  • Ensure that their dogs do not disturb the neighbourhood (i.e. continuous barking).


If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like to report a dog at large, please contact the Village Office.


Refer to the Village of Telkwa Animal Control Bylaw No. 691, 2019 for more information.

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